How to Landscape: Trees, Lawns, Flowers

Hello, my name is Terry and this is my landscaping blog. Today I will be giving you, my dear readers, the best advice I can give when it comes to landscaping your gardens, your commercial property or anywhere else. I must point out here that I am not what you would call a professional landscaper. I am a self-taught man who has spent many years making mistakes in his own garden so that others may avoid them. I also often call up my brother-in-law who is a professional landscaper for further advice. I hope this blog is useful and maybe even entertaining.

Shade Sails Vs Shade Trees: Which One Gives Your Pool The Best Cover?

28 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Your new swimming pool is now in place, and you are excited for the family to be able to swim whenever they want to this summer. However, if you have not organised any shade for your pool yet, your pool water is going to be hot and offer little relief during sweaty summer afternoons. Shade trees and shade sails are two popular options for cooling the pool when the midday sun strikes, but each has a list of pros and cons. Read More …

Restoring Engraved Lettering That’s Become Hard to Read

24 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Gravestones and other monuments usually have text deeply engraved into them, which is a great way to ensure the message remains for many years after it's created. Over time, however, moss, lichen and the effects of weathering can make it more difficult to read. When this happens, the monument isn't looking its best, and anyone viewing it won't be able to see what its purpose is or whose memory it marks. Read More …

Why You Need to Be Careful about Your Property’s Title before Scheduling Complex Improvements

24 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are getting excited about an upcoming improvement to your existing property, you may need to pause for a while to consider some legal elements first. Did you know that your upgrades may have an impact on the title that you hold? What do you need to consider in this case? Re-Establishment Local councils require every individual property within their jurisdiction to be carefully surveyed, so that they get accurate information. Read More …