How to Landscape: Trees, Lawns, Flowers

Hello, my name is Terry and this is my landscaping blog. Today I will be giving you, my dear readers, the best advice I can give when it comes to landscaping your gardens, your commercial property or anywhere else. I must point out here that I am not what you would call a professional landscaper. I am a self-taught man who has spent many years making mistakes in his own garden so that others may avoid them. I also often call up my brother-in-law who is a professional landscaper for further advice. I hope this blog is useful and maybe even entertaining.

Making New Stone Look Old: Two Tips For Aging New Stonework

29 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Just because you want to get new stonework installed on your property does not mean it has to look completely brand new. People desire older looking stone so much that they are willing to buy old stones to get this look. However, since you are on a budget, you can age new stonework to look old, so it blends in nicely with the rest of its surroundings. You just need to figure out which of the following methods is going to work best for you. Read More …

2 Stunning Paving Options For Your Courtyard Garden

29 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you've recently bought a home with a neglected courtyard garden, then you may be considering the options available to help you to make it a more pleasant and attractive space. While courtyard gardens don't have the same scope for potential as larger gardens, they still provide the opportunity to create an intimate, beautiful and charming outdoor area that is a joy to spend time in. One important element of creating a courtyard garden is deciding what to use on the ground. Read More …

6 Key Tips for Building a Brick Garden Wall for Beginner Gardeners

28 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Raised gardens are great for growing plants and vegetables, especially for beginner gardeners. They are easy to maintain, they have superior drainage and make for an attractive landscape. For beginner gardeners, a raised garden is a true 'holy grail.' There is no bending over to harvest vegetables or to pull out weeds. Here are a few tips to help your build your first brick wall garden. Choose a brick that blends perfectly into your landscape Read More …

Two Suggestions To Keep Pests From Your Summer Firewood Pile

28 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Winter is almost over, so the last thing you want to think about is keeping warm in a year's time. However, now is the perfect time to buy firewood because not only will you get it at a discount price from suppliers who want to get rid of their stock, but it also has a whole year to dry out ready for burning next winter. As you haven't invested in a bulk firewood delivery before, it is critical that you prepare a suitable storage spot before your bulk firewood arrives. Read More …

Shade Sails Vs Shade Trees: Which One Gives Your Pool The Best Cover?

28 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Your new swimming pool is now in place, and you are excited for the family to be able to swim whenever they want to this summer. However, if you have not organised any shade for your pool yet, your pool water is going to be hot and offer little relief during sweaty summer afternoons. Shade trees and shade sails are two popular options for cooling the pool when the midday sun strikes, but each has a list of pros and cons. Read More …